Carbon Credits

Form Ghana Ltd. sells carbon credits. Purchasing carbon credits from Form Ghana will contribute to the growth and success of this unique project and the multiple benefits that are related to reforestation.

Form Ghana's activities comprise CO₂ sequestration in tree plantations with various tree species, and forest restoration in riparian buffer zones. These activities are carried out and monitored according to rigorous and approved methodologies under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) certification for a period of 40 years.

Tree planting, restoration of buffer zones, elimination of illegal logging and forest conversion and the abandonment of wild bushfire and poaching have resulted in an increase of forest cover and wildlife, and improved water and soil quality, social and environmental sustainability and significant contributions to the local economy are key objectives.

The VCS is a voluntary greenhouse gas (GHG) framework for verifying and reporting GHG emissions reduction projects. The VCS was developed to ensure the credibility and transparency of carbon offset projects and to promote sustainable development.

As a VCS or Verra-approved entity, Form Ghana can sell carbon credits to companies that want to offset their carbon emissions. These credits represent one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO₂e) that has been reduced or avoided.

It is a way for companies to support sustainable projects, offset their carbon emissions, meet sustainability goals, comply with regulations, and improve their reputation and brand image. Form Ghana will once again be able to assist its customers in offsetting their emissions and contributing to global efforts to mitigate climate change.

​Form Ghana fixed more than 200,000 tons of CO₂ by 2018 and will sequestrate over 850,000 tons CO₂ by the end of the 2025.

Please contact Form Ghana Ltd. or SFI B.V. for more information.

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